Durance Scented Bouquet 100 ml Lavender Crafted by expert perfumers, this scented bouquet is designed to infuse your living space with the soothing aroma of lavender, bringing a touch of natural elegance to any room. The Durance Scented Bouquet 100 ml features a beautifully designed glass bottle with an elegant and minimalist look, making it a stylish addition to any interior décor. The carefully selected blend of high-quality natural ingredients ensures a long-lasting fragrance that will linger in the air for hours, making your home a haven of relaxation and tranquility.Read more..
With its innovative technology, the Durance Scented Bouquet releases the fragrance gradually, ensuring a consistent and balanced scent diffusion. Simply place the reed sticks into the scented solution and let them absorb the fragrance, then sit back and enjoy the enchanting aroma as it permeates your space.
The scent of lavender has long been revered for its calming and soothing properties, known to help relax the mind and promote a sense of well-being. Whether you want to unwind after a long day or create a serene ambiance for yoga or meditation, the Durance Bouquet with lavender is the perfect choice.
This scented bouquet is not only a treat for your sense of smell but also a beautiful piece of décor that will enhance the aesthetics of any room. Its compact size of 100 ml makes it ideal for smaller spaces, such as bedrooms, bathrooms, or even as a fresh touch for your office.
Indulge yourself in the luxurious scent of lavender with the Durance Bouquet 100 ml. Let the calming aroma transform your home into a sanctuary of serenity and relaxation.
- The bottle is refillable with the Scented Bouquet lavender refill 250ml
- See the full Scented bouquet range here.
- Buy rattan sticks or scented wooden flower for refill.