Introducing the Durance Scented Bouquet Verbena, a refreshing and invigorating fragrance that will transport you to the blossoming fields of Provence. With its delicate and citrusy notes, this scented bouquet will infuse your home with a burst of energy and bring an uplifting atmosphere to any space.Read more..
This scented bouquet is meticulously crafted with the finest essential oils and natural ingredients to ensure a long-lasting and captivating scent experience. The Verbena fragrance is known for its zesty and aromatic qualities, making it an ideal choice for those who love a vibrant and refreshing scent. Each bouquet is carefully arranged in an elegant and minimalist glass vase, making it a stylish addition to any room.
The innovative capillary system of the Durance Scented Bouquet allows the fragrance to be diffused gradually, ensuring a consistent and subtle scent for weeks on end. Simply place the bouquet in your desired location, and let the natural reeds absorb the fragrance and disperse it into the air. For a more intense fragrance, you can flip the reeds periodically.
Not only does the Durance Scented Bouquet create a delightful ambiance, but it also adds a touch of sophistication to your home decor. The classic design of the glass vase complements any interior style, from modern and contemporary to traditional and rustic. The Verbena fragrance is particularly suitable for living rooms, kitchens, and bathrooms, where its refreshing aroma will invigorate and rejuvenate the space.
- The bottle is refillable with the Scented Bouquet verbena refill 250ml
- See the full Scented bouquet range here.
- Buy rattan sticks or scented wooden flower for refill.